Financial Reporting

Within each Project are multiple finance graphs and charts. These help detail where the finances and resources are being spent.

Project Snapshot

This will give you a quick overview of your project and let you know where your finances are. The graph will detail the total of all your approved estimates, PO’s, Invoice requests, as well as your actuals, such as actual costs and actual invoices.

Screenshot of the Project Snapshot

Expense Analysis

The will detail all the estimated expenses on the project as well as the approved PO’s against actual paid expenses.

Screenshot of Expense Analysis

Resource Bookings by User

This pie chart details how many future resources have been booked on your project. This is split by cost as well as in hours.

Screenshot of the Resource Bookings by User pie chart

Timesheets by User

This pie chart details how many timesheets have been booked on your project. This is split by cost as well as in hours.

Screenshot of the Timesheet by User pie chart

Budget Estimate Trackers

This table will show your burn rate for all the roles/departments/activities that you estimated against your actuals from the timesheets.

Screenshot of the Budget Estimate Trackers


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