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Pulse Blog - Release Notes

Release Notes – RC22.0520

1. ALL REGIONS  FEATURES NEW FINANCE SUMMARY REPORT[#1545] Pulse Finance Data has now been moved into SOLR which has increased the speed of the Reporting Widgets. SOLR is a scalable blazing fast alternative to traditional database storage that powers the search and navigation of many of the world’s largest…

Release Notes – RC22.0429

FEATURES & ENHANCEMENTS [#49942] Copy reference when linking entire document for Invoices When using the “Create Linked Document” feature and linking an entire document we now copy the contents of the Reference field within the E stimate over to the Invoice’s Reference field as these are 99% of the time…

Release Notes – RC22.0408

1. All Regions FEATURES JDE – Specific Changes to the Asset Detail Screen[#1536] The JDE Mine has been updated to use the new Asset Detail flyover. When clicking on an Asset’s name in the Document Approval Screen. Document Approval Screen -highlighting Asset Name This will launch the updated new Asset…

Release Notes – RC22.0325

FEATURES & ENHANCEMENTS Pulse Speed Improvements [#1700] We have made multiple improvements to page loading times and the responsiveness of the interface as part of our ongoing project to improve the speed of Pulse. In this release we have: Increased the overall load times of Pulse pages by refactoring…

Release Notes – RC22.0311

 1. ALL REGIONS FEATURES & ENHANCEMENTS [1526] Upgraded Pulse Agresso Timesheets Integration Pulse-Agresso Integration For Offices that use Unit4’s Agresso for Finances, we have vastly improved the speed and reliability of Finance data sharing between Pulse and Agresso and in particular around the processing of Timesheet Submissions from Pulse…

Release Notes – RC22.0225

FEATURES New Resource Scheduler – Phase 2 Closed Beta [Project #1479] Screenshot of the new Resource Scheduler Phase 2 of the new Resource Scheduler is complete. We have listened to your valuable feedback on the first beta release and have enhanced its performance and usability and added several…

Release Notes – RC22.0114

1. REGION ALL – (UK, EU, US) FEATURES Introducing the new “Task Stakeholders” feature and “Task Watchers” badge In July 2021, we introduced the “Follow Task” functionality which allowed a user to track the progress of a Task but not necessarily be assigned to the Task.  This “Follow Task” functionality…

Release Notes – RC21.1203

FEATURES Gantt Chart We are happy to announce a major upgrade to the Pulse Gantt Chart technology.The new features make it quicker and easier to manage your Project Tasks and Timings with the interactive Gantt bars. Video highlighting setting the date for a task by dragging between two dates…