You can now Log Your Time on Tasks! [# 52318]

Introducing a new feature that lets you log Time directly on Tasks!
Every time you Assign or route a Task, Comment or Reply on a Task you now have the opportunity to log the time you spent on that Task using the Manage Notifications & Assignments modal.
Time logged this way is automatically added to your Timesheet for the current day, against the Project and, depending on your finance integration, your default or selected Activity or Role.
Each time you add time via the Notifications window it will keep a running total of the time you have added for that day.
We believe this feature will make it easier to record your time more accurately and easily and will provide a new level of detail when tracking Tasks.
New Timesheet Status Report for Parent Projects [#52092]

Introducing a new Specialised version of the Timesheet Status Report for “Parent Projects”!
- This report is designed to help make the process of Closing Projects that have “Child-Projects” easier.
- The “Timesheet Status Report – Parent” report is available on all “Parent Projects” and will include unprocessed time on all Child Projects.
[#52299] Missing time for Temporary Direct Payroll employees should not actually be considered “missing”
We now exclude Temporary Direct Payroll Employees from the Time Report completely.
This is because this employee type is not required to submit 8 hrs/day, and they are only required to submit the hours they work, so we would not expect to see anything labelled as “missing” for this employee type.
These types of employees were misidentified as having missing time – ie. they had not submitted the required hours for the week.
[#52327] Add “External Resource ID” field to Timesheet Data Export Report
We have included an additional column for ‘Resource ID’ to the ‘Timesheet Data Export Report’ Excel Export.
Please Note: For Agresso users, we receive this ‘Resource ID’ in the Staff Sync, whereas for non-Agresso users we utilize the “external resource ID” field on the user’s profile.
[#52328] Change Bulk Amendments page to default to sort descending – most recent amendment first
We have changed the ordering Bulk Amendment results page to show the most recent amendments that you’ve just made on the first page.
[#51722] Sort Role/Product dropdown into Alphanumerical order
We have set the Role and Product dropdown in Finance Documents for Non-Agresso offices to show in alphabetical order.
[#52643] Update V1 design for ‘Share for Review’ pages
We have updated the design of the V1 Share Landing page and Share For Review form to have the V2 Styling
[#52403] Bug: Naming Convention Gets Duplicated with Previous Step
Fix – for the Project Naming convention which was duplicated when you click “Previous Page” in the Project Wizard.
[#52342] Project Owner can approve their own time if they are Operations
Fix – The new feature that allowed Users to be configured to either be able to Approve their own Time -or not -was being bypassed when the User’s Permission Profile was Operations.
Now, If a user is configured to not be able to approve their own time, they are not able to approve their own time – regardless of their user permission profile.
[#52645] Bug: Sticky Notes on ‘Share for Review’ is broken on PROD
Fix – for the Sticky Notes Share for Review feature which was not triggering the sticky notes modal.