[#56910] VAT Line on Estimate Print-Out
Add a new Output Setting in the Estimate builder called “Show VAT in PDF”. This will add two additional lines under the gray Grand Total area at the end of the PDF produced by the Finance Document.

These two lines are:
- ‘VAT ({vat_percentage})’ and amount as the percentage of the grand total with currency, e.g. ‘VAT (19,00 %) £160.00’
- ‘GRAND TOTAL incl. VAT’ and amount as a grand total + VAT amount, e.g. ‘GRAND TOTAL incl. VAT £960.00’
THis feature works for both Agresso and Non-Agresso offices.
[#58238] Feature: Add Task Statuses to Translations
Our Task statuses are a Global Setting controlled in the V1 admin and apply to all Offices in the Pulse Instance.

This has meant that users in each Office see the same options in their Status list and there is no configuration allowed on an office level or network level.
We have now added “Task Status” to the extensive range of items that can be translated in the Translations section of the admin.

Since each Office can define a ‘Language’ this will allow them to define the statuses they want to see.
[#58595] Default for Project End Date on Project Wizard should be empty
The Project End Date on the Project Wizard should be empty. The Project Manager will then be forced to enter the correct end date.
[#57474] Add Department and Role to Resource Planner Export
Not sure if we are releasing this one?
[#58598] BUG: SAYT boxes on finance builder not updating correctly
The ROLE/PRODUCT would not refresh when you change the ACTIVITY dropdown.