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Release Notes – RC24.0709

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[#66419] Move Download JCR Reports to V2 

In this update, we’ve made improvements to how documents are processed and handled within our system. Here’s what’s new: 

  • New Processing Queues: We’ve added new queues to better manage and download reports and documents. This helps streamline the process of handling these files. 
  • Enhanced Document Handling: The system now automatically picks up and processes documents more efficiently from the Agresso Document Archive. 
  • Improved Report Downloads: Reports can now be downloaded automatically as soon as they become available, ensuring timely access to the latest information. 

These updates are designed to make report handling smoother and more reliable for users. 


[#65998] FE: Add more columns to the Agresso Sync 

We’ve made several enhancements to the Sync Control Page to improve functionality and visibility: 

What’s New: 

  • Additional Hidden Fields: We’ve added the following hidden fields to track important data: 
  • Date Last Run 
  • Date Data Last Updated 
  • Records Processed 
  • Records Updated 
  • Records Inserted 
  • New Column: Added a new column for ‘Type’, which appears before the ‘Ledger’ column. 
  • If the value is ‘Profile’, it will display as a blue label saying ‘Profile’. 
  • If the value is ‘Ledger’, it will display as an orange label saying ‘Ledger’. 

[#67491] Enhancement: Allow “Save a Copy” of Timeline to new Project 

This feature will now allow a user to copy a Timeline between project. The beneift to our the user being the ease with which a created Timeline may be shared between project limiting double handling in the creation of Timelines. 

[#67625] Update the Preview of File Types in the Asset Detail 

This feature will now allow users to interact with Microsoft Word and Powerpoint documents from within Pulse via the Asset Detail. The is a great new feature for our users allowing full visibility of both files types from within Pulse and is the first step in our integration with Microsoft’s Office suite and Adobe PDF files from the Asset Detail. 

[#68256] Update Finance document PDF design 

We have lightened up Finance Document PDF printout design. We removed gray blocks in Reference and Grand Total fields and replaced those by a light gray border. The print of those finance documents will be more ink-friendly. 

[#68259] Respect Finance numbers formatting in Project List 

All finance columns in the Project List are now formatted in office-default number formatting. 

[#68265] Replace $ sign by AUD in finance docs PDF with AUD currency 

The dollar sign ($) has been replaced by AUD in finance documents created in Australian Dollar. This was done to avoid any confusion with American Dollar. 

[#68270] Enhancement: Hook up permission canApproveAssetsForRelease with ‘Publish to DAM’ file action 

More granular permission structure which would allow General user role to see and use Publish to DAM button. This button is used to set asset status to ‘Approved for Release’ and display them in The Mine (Digital Asset Management Library). 


[#68747] Fix: Permissions toggle always switches to “Project Team” 

Fix for an issue with the Permissions toggle in the Timelines Settings modal to ensure when the ‘Project Team’ is toggled on this is visually displayed in the UI. 

[#67835] FE: SAYT does not work on “Role” dropdown 

We have fixed an issue with the “Role” dropdown menus in the Alien User Role by Office and Finance Profile sections. 

What’s Changed: The “Role” dropdowns are now working properly, making it easier to select and assign roles.  

[#68712] Production: Timelines: Infinite load when importing .xml file 

We have fix for issue withe import of .xml files into the Timeline Gantt view. 
What’s Changed: Users can now import .xml files quickly and efficiently into the Timelines Gannt view. 

[#68682] Bug: Finances > Finance Summary chart has broken Actuals links 

Fix with the clickable chart bars in the Finance Summary widget on the Project Summary tab. These bars direct users to respective places in the Finances tab where can see details behind the chart numbers. 

[#68711] Production: Timelines: Export PDF/PNG functionality does not work 

We have fixed an issue with the PDF/PNG export to ensure this works correctly.  
What’s Changed: Users can now export PDF/PNG files quickly and efficiently into the Timelines Gannt view. 

[#68745] Fix: Remove Filter options from Table View header 

We have removed default Bryntum filter options from the Timelines Gantt as these were not operating in accordance with our Timelines product requirements.  

[#68071] Fix: Imported Tasks with ‘Set Start Date’ & ‘Chained Tasks’ set come through with incorrect dates 

We fixed an issue with imported tasks where the Parent/Child tasks were coming through upon import with incorrect dates. 
What’s Changed: All imported tasks now display with the correct dates when a ‘Set Start Date’ is selected and these tasks have been chained together.