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  4. How to Invite a User to a Project

How to Invite a User to a Project

The Project Team tab is used to control who is ‘invited’ to a project: who can see and has access to this project.

Note: To invite users to projects you must have a specific User Profile. This is usually a Project Manager or Operations user that has “Manage Users” permission. This is managed in the Address Book, it is not managed at the project level.

To add or remove team members to a project:

Option 1- From the Project Passport Page

Screenshot of the Project Passport page highlighting the “Manage” button in the Project Team widget.

Option 2- From the Project Team tab using the  Team Actions dropdown.

Screenshot of the Project Team page

Hover over the Team Actions to activate the drop-down list:

Screenshot of the Project Team page highlighting the “Manage User” option in the Team Actions drop-down

Click the last option “Manage User“.

2. Invite Users to the Project

The Manage User button will open a pop-up that allows you to choose Users to invite to the current project:

The Manage User Pop-up with invited

You can Filter the list of Users by Username or User Groups and/or Filter by Office:

The Manage User pop-up with the Filter Users section highlighted.

Here you can select either User Groups,

The Manage User pop-up with a User Group highlighted.

or individual Users:

The Manage User pop-up with a User highlighted.

Click on the user you want to invite:

The Manage User pop-up when clicking on a User.

Note Project invitation changes set in this tool are instant. Users do not need to logout/login for changes to apply to their invited projects.

You will receive a notification that “Users successfully invited”

3. Uninvite a User from Project

To remove a user, click on the ‘cross-icon’ next to the currently invited user.


Updated on July 24, 2020

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