Brands API 2

Permissions who can use the feature

Any logged in user with permission to create projects can use the Brand/Product Request Feature.

Simply navigate to the Support Page /v2/support/general and click ‘Brand Access’

What Master Clients / Brands / Products can I see?

  • Clicking the Brand Access panel will trigger the ‘BRAND/PRODUCT REQUEST FORM’.
  • Here you can search from any of our global Master Client / Brand / Products that are ‘active’
  • You can also see any Master Clients / Brand / Products that are only mapped to your Network. These would not be shown to users outside of your network. 
  • Using the Search Box you can look for the Master Client / Brand / Product you need access to to create projects

What can you request?

You can make 4 types of requests

  • Existing Master Client / Brand / Product
  • New Product under existing Brand / Master Client
  • New Brand / Product under existing Master Client
  • New Master Client / Brand  / Product

How to request access to an Existing Master Client / Brand / Product

  1. Simply navigate to the Support Page /v2/support/general and click ‘Brand Access’
  2. Use the search box to find the Brand
  3. Click ‘Request Access’
  4. In the next modal, select the agency that needs access to the Brand. By default this will be your Primary Office. If you have multi office or network access you will have the option to select another agency
  5. Add a comment on why you need access
  6. Submit the request
  7. This request will then go over to our support team who will review the request. They will either approve or reject the request
  8. Once approved, you can use the Brand in the Project Wizard*

* Unless your agency uses Pulse-Agresso Finances and needs to setup Brand defaults before you can use it in the Project Wizard. In this case, you will be notified the request is approved but is now with the Finance Team to setup the defaults. 

How to request a new Product under an existing Brand / Master Client 

  1. Simply navigate to the Support Page /v2/support/general and click ‘Brand Access’
  3. Select the Agency who needs a new Product. By default this will be your Primary Office. If you have multi office or network access you will have the option to select another agency
  4. Select the Master Client where the new Product needs to exist
  5. This will filter down to show available Brands under that Master Client. Select the Brand where the Product needs to exist.
  6. Type in the Product Name
  7. If your Master Client / Brand has attributes, they will show in this modal. 
  8. Add a comment on why you need access
  9. Submit the request
  10. This request will then either go to our support team or the ‘Brand Champion’ depending on the Master Client setup. They will  review the request and either approve or reject it
  11. Once approved, the Product will be created and you can use the Brand / Product in the Project Wizard*

* Unless your agency uses Pulse-Agresso Finances and needs to setup Brand defaults before you can use it in the Project Wizard. In this case, you will be notified the request is approved but is now with the Finance Team to setup the defaults. 

How to request a new Brand / Product under existing Master Client 

  1. Simply navigate to the Support Page /v2/support/general and click ‘Brand Access’
  3. Select the Agency who needs a new Product. By default this will be your Primary Office. If you have multi office or network access you will have the option to select another agency
  4. Select the Master Client where the new Brand / Product needs to exist
  5. Type in a Brand Name
  6. Type in a Product Name.
  7. If your Master Client has attributes, they will show in this modal. 
  8. Add a comment on why you need access
  9. Submit the request
  10. This request will then either go to our support team or the ‘Brand Champion’ depending on the Master Client setup. They will  review the request and either approve or reject it
  11. Once approved, the Brand & Product will be created and you can use the Brand / Product in the Project Wizard*

* Unless your agency uses Pulse-Agresso Finances and needs to setup Brand defaults before you can use it in the Project Wizard. In this case, you will be notified the request is approved but is now with the Finance Team to setup the defaults. 

How to request a new Master Client / Brand / Product

  1. Simply navigate to the Support Page /v2/support/general and click ‘Brand Access’
  3. Select the Agency who needs a new Product. By default this will be your Primary Office. If you have multi office or network access you will have the option to select another agency
  4. Type in Master Client Name
  5. Type in a Brand Name
  6. Type in a Product Name
  7. Add a comment on why you need access
  8. Submit the request
  9. This request will then go to our support team. They will  review the request and either approve or reject it
  10. Once approved, the Master Client / Brand & Product will be created and you can use the Brand / Product in the Project Wizard*

* Unless your agency uses Pulse-Agresso Finances and needs to setup Brand defaults before you can use it in the Project Wizard. In this case, you will be notified the request is approved but is now with the Finance Team to setup the defaults. 

What if my office has Finance Defaults?

If your agency uses Finance Defaults (Pulse-Agresso Finances) then setup a ‘Brand Default Group’. The Brand Default Group will receive a notification once a Brand request is approved.

When they click the link to the email, they will be taken to the Finance Default screen to setup the defaults for the approved brand.

The link in the email also automatically maps the Brand to the Requesting Agency therefore allowing it to be used in the Project Wizard.

To setup a Brand Default group go to Edit Office > Office Group and map a group to the Brand Default select.

What happens when my request is rejected?

You need to make another request

Updated on July 13, 2023

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