
Congratulations! You have completed this training module – it was a big one!

You have learnt:

  1. Pulse has a Security Model which is based on User Permissions and Office Access.
  2. Users, Permissions and Offices are managed in the Address Book.
  3. The concept of ‘Brand’ and ‘Brand Category’ is used to help group Projects together for your Clients, and to improve Reporting.

More Training:

Now you have completed the Address Book training, you should consider the following training modules (They are much shorter!):

Timesheet Administration (How to Manage Timesheets)

Project Wizard (How to Create Projects)

Alien User (Advanced Timesheet Sharing between Offices)


You have now completed this training module.

We hope this new knowledge helps you with getting the most out of Pulse.

Feel free to browse our other Training Modules to learn more about our specific features or how to use Pulse in specific User Roles .

Pulse for Beginners
If you are just starting with Pulse

Pulse Feature Training
Training Modules for each of the main Pulse Features.